Sophrology – my universe – my practice -My Profile
Working with my voice, with your voice, is so important to me.
about me
You might not know Barbara, probably my favorite french singer along with Edith Piaf. Here, she’s saying « not to talk of poetry when crushing wild flowers »… Why did I feel important to quote these words? Because authenticity is crucial for me as an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) and as a phénomenologist. Phenomenons do not cheat.

« Ne pas parler de poésie,
Ne pas parler de poésie, En écrasant les fleurs sauvages » Barbara, Perlimpinpin

My profile in english as a HSP* sophrologist
After my studies in Modern Literature, I discovered Sophrology and realized that the job I had dreamt of actually existed!
I have always loved people and laughter.
But at the same time, since my childhood, I’ve perceived a finitude in such a way of seeing the world. For instance at the age of 3 or 4, I didn’t understand why adults were angry: I was little, and said to myself: “one day we will die. Isn’t it worth laughing at this life and being good towards each other right now? Isn’t it the most important thing we can do or do we also have to suffer that much ?
(I was replacing my feelings of sadness and fear of my own end, with a feeling of joy and confidence: it was very empirical, but also a rather sophrological way of healing. :D)
HSP* : Highly Sensitive Person and Highly Sensitive therapist !
My beginnings in Sophrology
However, by meeting sophrologist doctors, I realized that I was not the only one passionate about how joy could help us in our lives. They had even created a profession out of it!
I was amazed to discover the application of phenomenology, the quest of a dialog between your body and yourself through your consciousness and your body.
You can add the importance of non-judgment, and no prejudices.
It builds in you a kind of new “eye”= a new way of looking at our lives, our feelings and the possible choice of the quest for joy in our body that applies concretely in our lives.
I then trained in Sophrology with its founder, Mr. Caycédo.

My beginnings in Sophrology
However, by meeting sophrologist doctors, I realized that I was not the only one passionate about how joy could help us in our lives. They had even created a profession out of it!
I was amazed to discover the application of phenomenology, the quest of a dialog between your body and yourself through your consciousness and your body.
You can add the importance of non-judgment, and no prejudices.
It builds in you a kind of new “eye”= a new way of looking at our lives, our feelings and the possible choice of the quest for joy in our body that applies concretely in our lives.
I then trained in Sophrology with its founder, Mr. Caycédo.

My work in sophrology with homeless and disable people
For more than 20 years, I have been able to apply what I have learned in many challenging paths, including accompanying people with disabilities or who live in the street and practice Sophrology because it helps them get into better shape and improve their mood. And that’s always what interests me above all: that the discovery of the practice changes something concretely in your life.
For me, it helped me to recover from a ependymoma removing surgery : my spinal cord suffered intensively from it but what still surprises my surgeon is that I continue to recover… 19 ys after he operated me. Of course if I don’t move, nothing happens! But what motivates me to move ? This dialogue with my cells, I’m convinced of that… It’s not easy, but it is. I can feel my cells, my muscles as a team inside of me… That what Sophrology offers me. (through the phenomenology intention, perception…)
What nourishes me is the challenge
to guide you towards your own path to peace.
Peace… I saw it one day as a country TOWARDS which we can all go and this image has not left me.
Calm your anxieties, transfigure your fears, identify and soothe your parts, see your posture as a victim without judgment :
this helps to change your point of view and understand and appease what is happening in us.
And it make us learn to relax in all circumstances, learn to let go, learn to identify in oneself what makes us feel good in order to turn the tide and bounce back instead of crashing, using one’s own feelings, own needs, one’s own desires as well as what one no longer wants.
And this, whatever your age is : my youngest clients are 4 years old.

Without our dear Nature, the trees and the sky in my city and without the infinite richness of ART in all its forms which nourishes my city and my heart with grace, my practice would be wobbly.
Our feelings, our phenomenons cannot all be described with words: on the other hand, the energizing universe of nature or the worlds transcribed by our dear artists touch us profoundly and reveal us to ourselves in an obvious way. In a simple way. A wonderful one too…
This is why I want to offer my clients the opportunity to practice at the museum, like so many proposals to play….
For the last touch to this sketch I should describe my work : my MSC practice (Mindful Self Compassion).
6 years ago I discovered Mindful Self-Compassion, firstly through Kristin Neff… (then plenty of excellent guides as Chris Germer) MSC is in my blood now; it helps so much to go deeper into this dialogue between our body and our mind… Our consciousness feels so much better too. It’s really impressive….
You want to have an idea of what Phenomenology is ? Watch this video on my page… And come back to me !